October 2022

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

2022-10-30, Sunday

Starting to see the end of the term approaching. Less than a month until my students have their final exam. For me “to see a date approaching” is quite literal. I see dates very clearly in my mind. They are distributed counter-clockwise on a roundish landscape which represents the year. As the year progresses my vantage point in this landscape moves so that I always see things from today’s date. Thus, the coming dates are approaching. There is also a kind of covering-space effect where the actual dates over many years cover the same landscape. In a path-lifting kind of way, I can see forward into the future, say next march, or backwards to the past, say to the previous march.

Next week we have a conference, Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory, which I am on the organisation committee1 for.

  1. I love the amount of double letters in the word “committee”.↩︎

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