You can contact me by e-mail. The address is obtained by replacing
the first dot of
by an “at”.
My PGP key can be found on keybase (alternative direct link).
My phone number is +47 92 48 36 27.
During working hours there is a good chance that you will find me in my office at the Institute for Informatics (map):
I host my own Mumble server, so just drop me a line and I will get you on it. Mumble is a free voice chat software. I often use it in conjunction with VNC for practical collaboration and role-playing games.
On FreeNode, I am ichor.
I am on gylterud on Keybase.
Expecting a comment section? Feel free to e-mail me your comments, or otherwise contact me to discuss the content of this site. See my contact info. You can also write your opinion on your own website, and link back here! ☺