July 2022

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

2022-07-15, Friday


This week we returned from a vacation trip to Stockholm. The SAS pilots are on strike, because SAS broke the contract they made to rehire pilots after the COVID-19 pandemic crisis was over. Our plane to Stockholm was scheduled 13:25, and the strike was due to start 12:00. But it turned out, that while it is a SAS route, SAS was not actually flying the plane – CityJet was. So, we got both there an back again despite the strike.

Synthy times

Today, I spent some quality time with my synth. The rack was reorganised earlier in the week and I tidied the desk it stands on. I still struggle a bit with doing several takes on multitrack recordings, but some progress is being made: A new clock divider now makes it possible to use the KeyStep 36 as a clock source. The KeyStep also starts the recording, so with a bit of practise I should be able to sync the different takes up directly.

The track I recorded today was initially by the new layout of the modules, where a choice of voices (oscillators + filter/wavefolder + envelope generator + vca) have been constructed. Aaaand, Rings is playing a baseline ☺

Looking through the memory card, I found a few other tracks which were recorded, but not edited. So, I got those done as well. I actually do very little editing after recording. All effects and mixing is done at the synth. All I really do is to even the levels a bit of different parts of the track.

Since there was a few weeks since I recorded these, I cannot really remember what inspired them. But you can listen to them here:

Actually, listening back to these, I remember that “Toy box” is in fact just the Qu-bit surface, cycling through different modes.

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