January 2022

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

2022-01-28, Friday

A childhood friend of mine from Stord disappeared after a car crash this week, and we can only fear the worst. My thoughts go to his parents.

2022-01-29, Saturday

The winter weather in Bergen has been awful this year. No snow, just rain and wind. But that’s no excuse to sit inside when you have kids. So, both before and after lunch we were outside and played today in the cold winter rain.

Inside my synth is keeping me sane. I am discovering wave folding and through-zero FM – which surprisingly are not too different!

The basics of a kick drum is a sine wave through an exponential decay envelope. So, what I have done lately is to push the filter on the Erica Synths Pico Noise to self-resonance, since it has a built-in exponential decay envelope with trigger input. But that sounds a bit tame on its own. So, what I have discovered is that I can put it through the wave folder and drive of Captain Big-O, and get a more gritty sound. The result is something like this:

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