Presented at the Bergen Interdisciplinary Research in Logic workshop (This is actually the program from last year, when the workshop was cancelled). It has been a nice day of logic related researchers in Bergen presenting their work to each other. Pleasantly surprised that there is this much logic going between Løvstakken and Fløyen.
My son’s school has closed early for Christmas, due to a COVID-19 outbreak. They of course call it “home school”, but all that means is that they got some homework with them, which takes him all of ten minutes to complete. The school closing was not entirely unexpected, but it doesn’t make Christmas preparations any easier. At work, I am buried in exam corrections. Hoping to be done by the end of next week.
Went to the movies today with my wife and saw “Verdens verste menneske”, which we really liked. We also finished Christmas shopping. This year more than any previous year I feel the absurdity of Christmas presents for us adults. But, I did enjoy finding books to buy for my sister and her husband, Tony.
Finally, Christmas break! Going to Stord today, where my oldest is already waiting. He first went there for a few days when school just closed, then again on Sunday. Otherwise, I would have no way to get all the exams corrected before Christmas.
Just before we left, I got new modules for my synth – a kind of reward to myself for completing all the exam corrections in time. Especially excited about the Belgrad filter by Xaoc devices and the Generate 3 oscillator from Joranalogue Design.
New Year’s Eve again! This year, as last, we had Andreas over for Russian style new year celebration with Shuba and other goodies.
Looking back on this year, I am rather happy with how the first half turned out, especially nice to be on parental leave and spend time with my youngest. The autumn was very coloured by the pandemic. My oldest started school, but they quickly had a week in quarantine. And my youngest kindergarten had a big outbreak in the beginning of December. Now we are hoping that Omicron will be less lethal and displace delta. If that happens we might just have to accept that the pandemic is going to run its course, and get on with our lives.
This is also a year in which I have spent a lot of time on modular synthesis. I got my Mother-32 a few years ago, but I started buying more modules this spring, and now I have 9U × 104HP of modular goodness.
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