The weather is curfewing. It keeps snowing sideways. Unfortunately, it is a positive 3°C outside – meaning that all the snow melts as soon as it touches the ground.
Working from home today, due to measures taken by the university to stop the spread of COVID-19. During the day the goverment announced that many public functions will shut down. Most relevant for us was that kindergarden is closing for (at least) two weeks, and that restrictions on the light rail would make getting our oldest home a challenge, unless I went to get him early.
Day one of the CORVID-19 close-down. We went for a walk, but otherwise kept at home. On the streets there were people walking around, but I would have expected more kids outside playing. I guess they are all tucked inside in front of a screen.
Right now, my biggest fear is getting cabin fever. At home we have supplies1, and my work is well suited to be done from home (when not looking after the kids).
Day two of the CORVID-19 close-down. Wondering how to best do streaming via my own server, and how many viewers that would support.
Day three of the CORVID-19 close-down. Making a sour dough starter. Might as well bake bread when I am at home enough to look after it.
Day four of the CORVID-19 close-down. Baking bread (from baker’s yeast – the starter is not quite ready).
Day five of the CORVID-19 close-down. D&D 5th edition books arrived.
Day six of the CORVID-19 close-down. Learning to use OBS in order to have more flexible visual communication. Using the v4lsink plugin so that OBS emulates a web-cam for the purpose of video calls.
From this I also learned that one can make loopback video devices by
using v4l2loopback
(which I compiled from source).
modprobe v4l2loopback devices=2
The idea is that a loopback device can be used for other programs which produce video to pretend to be a web camera.
Day seven of the CORVID-19 close-down. Working on the formalisation of the simply typed λ-calculus with a quoting operation.
Day eight of the CORVID-19 close-down. Ordering a new stationary computer. My first stationary computer since the one I bought when I was fourteen years old. Now, as then, I am getting an AMD processor, but the Athlon XP 2600+ is being replaced with a Ryzen 7 3700X. I had other computers in the meanwhile, all Intel based laptops, but I have really missed having a desktop computer.
Day nine of the CORVID-19 close-down. Made a special tower in MineCraft, which contained a treasure for my sister, Ingrid, and her boyfriend, Tony to find. The only caveat was that I stuffed command block at the top which activated protection mechanisms as they got closer.
Day ten of the CORVID-19 close-down. Baked bread with my new starter! Forgot all about it for many hours while it was rising… Still tasted good ☺
We have been well stocked up since before our second son was born, so we did not contribute to the current shortages in the shops.↩︎
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