Diary – May 2019

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

2019–05–01, Wednesday

Played D&D. The party is still confusedly wandering around in a wizard’s tower. They met him.

2019–05–03, Friday

Cold weather again:

May-snow [higher-res]

2019–05–06, Monday

Still snow in the air, as Jonathan and I put the finishing touch on the abstract of his TYPES 2019 presentation.

2019–05–11, Saturday

Weather improved again. Playing with my Mother-32.

2019–05–31, Friday

Planning day for kindergarden. We spend it walking accross Landåsfjellet, the mountain closest to our home on Mannsverk.

A map of our walk (source: OpenStreetmap)

In the afternoon I started preparing my lecture notes for next term. I will again be teaching INF226, software security. This year my TA is Benjamin Chetioui, who is a PhD student in our group and member of Inshall’Hack.

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