Diary – April 2019

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

2019–04–10, Wednesday

Visiting Stockholm University this week to give a talk about quotes in type theory. Yesterday, I discussed various research topics with Erik, who gave me some good references. Today I gave the talk and discussed monoidal categories and polynomial functors with Chaitanya.

On Monday I passed by Jam Syntotek on Roslagsgatan and bought a Moog Mother-32, and had a nice session with it in my room before I went out to meet Kristian Moi.

The Mother-32 on my desk [higher resolution]

2019–04–16, Tuesday

This Easter we are enjoying the finest weather Bergen has to offer, and the balcony on our new apartment. When the weather is nice, our balcony is basically a second living room.

Together with my sister, we had a family walk on Ulriken. Since the weather was clear, I brought my camera and took pictures of stuff from up there. The most surpring thing I found was that one can see the windmills on Fitjar, roughly 45 kilometers away, with the naked eye. Using the windmills as a reference point I was able to find other familiar mountain tops like Kattnakken, Mehammarsåto and Siggjo.

Windmills on Fitjar and Siggjo (the moutain top behind) [higher-res]
Kattnakken (with the telecom tower) and Mehammarsåto (the rounded peak to the right) [higher-res]

Tomorrow, my friends John and Ingrid will arrive — and on Friday we all go to Stord to visit my parents.

2019–04–23, Tuesday

Back to work after Easter break. Looking forward to getting started again. Here is another picture I took from Ulriken:

Høyteknologisenteret (my workplace) [higher-res]

Moog Mother-32

I wrote a short review with my first impressions of the Mother 32. Read the review!.

2019-04-26, Friday

Time just flew by at work today. First I had an interesting discussion with Michal about Agda. I have been in the constructive bubble for so long now I have forgotten how classical mathematicians think. Then, after a three ours of lectures, Jonathan and I worked on the planar graph project. Jonathan will present the project at TYPES 2019.

2019–04–29, Monday

Department gathering at Solstrand Hotel&Bad, focussed on the UiB Department of Informatics’ intentions of becomming better recognised for its teaching and research.

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