This is my public diary.
Thinking quite a bit on programming language design these days. While I like pure functional programming languages, such as Haskell, I think there are improvements to be made in how they interact with the rest of the system.
As an aside, I am also experiement with practical implementations of quoting operators, based on the λ-quote calculus I have been working on lately.
I have been doing some cosmetic changes to my website. Mostly changes
in the css, but I also have been
experimenting with adding prefetch
links to the HTML files. The HTML code on this website adds up to a
total of 469K at the moment, so prefetching links should make navigating
the page much smoother.
For the sake of readability I use colours very carefully on my site.
All text is black, and most backgrounds are white (with tables and code
listings with grey background as notable exceptions). However, a
five-minute-Inkscape-job produced a
bit of colour, in the form of an icon. This now decorates the titles of
my pages. The “for all”-symbol (∀
) is one of many
decorative symbols used in mathematics.
From the start, the idea behind this website was to make it simple and functional. At first my though was: Simplicity and functionality should go hand-in-hand. The assumption being that the designers of HTML and web-browsers should have made it so that the simplest solution is allways functional.
No, actually I didn’t actually think so – because I have seen webpages which are just simple HTML, and they are not functional: by default Firefox renders HTML without any further styling with full screen length lines in a tiny font. So I knew that I would have to put some effort into making a simple yet readable website.
The biggest time-saver when working on this web-site is Pandoc. Writing the page in Markdown instead of HTML saves a lot of time.
Here is something Pandoc’s HTML template contains, which I would not have guessed on my own:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes">
This magic incantation makes my website look normal on smart phones. Without it, the browser on the phone will zoom all the way out, making the text unreadable without zooming in. Why this is the default behaviour escapes my understanding.
In general the HTML generated by Pandoc holds high quality, and is very easy to style using CSS. And when it comes to CSS, a little can go a long way:
While design is some part of functionality, it is not all. For
instance, you should have some way of checking that the links on your
website actually work. It is easy to mistype a URL, or maybe the link
dies after you publish it. I hacked together a mkfile-target for this
purpose, which uses curl
to check each
links-check:QV: `{grep -v '/$' $index | grep '\.html$'}
if (~ $base '')
# Get the absolute path for base
cd $base
cd $wd
# Get the search and replace string for absolute server links
ss='s/^\//'`{echo $base | ssam -e 's/\//\\\//g'}^'\//g'
# Iterate through html files and check remote links with curl
for(i in `{grep -v '/$' $index | grep '\.html$'}) {
cd $base
newdir=`{echo $i | ssam -e 'x/[^\/]*$/ d'}
if (! ~ $newdir '')
cd $newdir
for (u in `{ssam -e 'y/href\=\"[^"]*\"/ d' < $base/$i \
| ssam -e 'x/href=/ d' \
| ssam -e 'x/\"[^\"]*\"/ y/[^\"]*/ c/\n/' \
| grep -v '^$' | grep -v '^#' | grep -v '^data:' | grep -o '^[^#]*' \
| ssam -e $ss } ) {
if (! test -e $u)
if (! curl --http1.1 -k -s -r 0-255 -o /dev/null $u) {
echo $u is invalid in $i
cd $base
exit 1}
cd $base }
The part about --http1.1
in the curl
is just a work-around for some faulty HTTP/2 sites.
The unit em is a relative unit, useful for making the page scalable↩︎
Expecting a comment section? Feel free to e-mail me your comments, or otherwise contact me to discuss the content of this site. See my contact info. You can also write your opinion on your own website, and link back here! ☺