Diary – 2018 December

Håkon Robbestad Gylterud

This is my public diary.

2018–12–06, Thursday

Back from Oslo, where I visited CAS and gave a talk and presented the proto-type of my type theory specification library. Always pleasant to visit Oslo, which for me is full of memories — both from my time studying there, but also from when we lived there when I was a child. During my studies I had a lot of time to walk the city, and I must have walked almost every street from Bjerke to Fornebu1.

Together with writing, I find walking to be an execellent way to process complex thoughts. There are possibly several reasons for this (increased blood circulation, just the right amount of sensory stimuli, the privacy of being a stranger to everyone you meet) but I always valued most the sense of purpose which comes with a walk.

2018–12–10, Monday

Ulriken has put on a coat of snow today. Here, further down, we got rain instead. A few cups of good tea helps me throught a pile of exams in need of grading. At home I play the rôle of electrician, making light on the balcony.

2018–12–31, Monday

Celebrating new-year in Saint-Petersburg. During the day, streets were filled with smiling people – just walking about, or on their way to visit friends and family. I admit to smiling in the sunny weather as well. While the wide streets of Saint Petersburg makes it feel a bit barren and cold at times, this is quickly remidied by laughing children running around in the snow, or adults on their way with their arms full of gifts from Дед Мороз.

  1. For my part, it this is an overstatement, but this guy has actually walked them all.↩︎

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